Livestream/Mass Information for the 1st Sunday of Lent, March 9, 2025

First Sunday of Lent
March 9, 2025
Jesus fasts and prays for 40 days and is tempted
Second Collection for Aid to Church in Central and Eastern Europe
Spring forward to Daylight Savings Time March 9th
The three temptations of Jesus are often interpreted as literal events in the life of Christ and symbolic challenges that represent broader spiritual and moral themes. Here’s a general understanding of the three temptations:
First, Satan tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread to relieve his hunger, emphasizing the physical aspect of his humanity. Jesus responded by asserting the importance of spiritual nourishment over physical desires. It symbolizes the temptation to prioritize material and physical needs over spiritual and moral considerations. Jesus resists the temptation, emphasizing the importance of spiritual nourishment and trust in God.
In the second temptation, Satan urged Jesus to jump from the pinnacle of the temple, testing God’s protection by relying on miraculous intervention. Jesus rejected this, emphasizing the need to trust in God without putting Him to the test. It represents the temptation to seek God’s favor through sensationalism or putting God to the test rather than relying on faith and obedience. Jesus rejects this, emphasizing the importance of trusting in God without demanding miraculous proof.
Finally, Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for worship. Jesus rebuffed the offer, emphasizing the exclusive worship of God and rejecting the pursuit of worldly power. Throughout these temptations, Jesus relied on scripture and resolute commitment to His divine mission, setting an example of resistance against the temptation of physical appetites, sensationalism, and earthly power. It symbolizes the temptation to pursue worldly power, authority, and success at the expense of spiritual values. Jesus rejects this temptation, reaffirming his loyalty to God alone and emphasizing the worship of God over worldly pursuits.
Overall, these three temptations are often interpreted as representing the broader human struggles with the desires of the flesh, the desire for signs and proofs and the allure of worldly power and success.
You are welcome to watch our 10:00 morning Mass on YouTube either live or later that afternoon or evening