SFDS Church 13360 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United States8:00 am Mass with Cantor and Organ 10:00 am Mass with St. Francis de Sales Choir 12 noon Mass with Cantor and Organ There is not 5:00 afternoon Mass on Christmas Day
New Year’s Day
SFDS Church 13360 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesMary, Mother of God (not a holy day of obligation) Mass at 8:15 am
Religious Education
SFDS School 13368 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesReligious Education from 9:00 - 9:50 am
Confirmation 1 & 2 Class and Mass
SFDS School 13368 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesBoth Confirmation 1 &2 have class and attend 10:00 am mass together.
First Communion Parent Meeting
SFDS Church 13360 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesFirst Communion Parent meeting to discuss First Penance
Religious Education Class & Mass
SFDS School 13368 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesReligious Ed have class and attend 10:00 am Mass together
No Confirmation Class
SFDS School 13368 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesNo class due to Martin Luther King Holiday
No Religious Education
SFDS School 13368 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesNo Religious Education class due to the Martin Luther King Holiday
Begin Catholic School’s Week
SFDS School 13368 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesCatholic school's week begins at the 10:00 am mass. There will be an open house at the school after the mass. You will be able to get information on the […]
Adult Confirmation – 7:00 Pm
Parish Center 13360 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesAdult Confirmation begins on Tuesday January 28, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center. The dates are: January 28, February 4,11,18 and 25, March 4, 11 and 18. If […]