Legion of Mary
Parish Center 13360 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesSaturday's from 9:00 - 10:30 am in the Parish Center chapel.
First Penance
SFDS Church 13360 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesFor 2nd year First Communion Students.
SFDS Church 13360 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesConfessions in the main church every Saturday from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Teen Confirmation Class and Mass
SFDS School 13368 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesTeen Confirmation class from 8:45 - 9:50 am and then the classes will go to 10 Mass together.
CRE Class and Mass
SFDS School 13368 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesReligious Education Class from 9:00 am sharp to 9:50 am and 10 am Mass together after class.
Adult Confirmation
Unnamed Venue CAAdult Confirmation classes will start on Monday February 8th and run for 8 sessions on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm. There is no fee and please call the parish center […]
Ash Wednesday
Unnamed Venue CAMasses at 8:15 am, 12:05 and 7:00 pm.
No Meditation Group
Parish Center 13360 Valleyheart Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA, United StatesBe Still and Know That I Am God All are welcome to join the SFDS Meditation Prayer Group. We meet every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. for one hour in the parish center chapel. The group follows the teachings of Fr. John Main, a Benedictine Monk, who uses a combination of silence, stillness and prayer. Those […]
Morning Bible Study
Parish Center CAMeet in the parish center. Come and become more familiar with the Bible as is meant to be read, in a group, sharing insights with others There are two Bible […]
Evening Bible Study
Unnamed Venue CAEvening Bible Study meets in the parish center every other Thursday from 7:00 - 9:00 pm.